Diet needs to be followed by every Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patient

Diet needs to be followed by every Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patient

Arthritis- often believed to be a problem that mainly affects old aged-senior citizens. But these days, even youngsters in their 30’s to 40’s and so on are complaining about this issue. However, it can even affect kids under certain circumstances, but it is considered a separate situation, called Juvenile arthritis.

This article mainly highlights the information regarding another prevalent type of arthritis, named Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In medical terminologies, it is considered an auto-immune joint disorder where the immune system starts to attack/harm the healthy cells of the body.

In Ayurveda, it is called “Amavata roga” which is mainly induced by the imbalance of Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha in the body. During this health complaint, ama (toxins) start to accumulate inside the system, resulting in complications such as joint pain, inflammation, stiffness, redness, and sometimes even deformity.

With Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis, this joint disorder can be managed completely. Unlike Western medications, it involves no use of steroids, instead, it emphasizes natural ways to treat RA such as healthy dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments.

Why is diet necessary for a Rheumatoid Arthritis patient?

Not only for rheumatoid arthritis but for any other disease, proper care towards mindful eating is necessary. But yes, when it comes to RA, some extra devotion needs to be shown towards diet because it is the food that will work as both fuel and medicine for the body.

The experts at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda have shared a dietary regimen that needs to be followed by an RA patient. Thousands of individuals have successfully gained relief through this wonderful dietary plan and Ayurvedic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis at this hospital. Now, they are no longer dealing with any RA complications no matter whether it is joint pain, redness, morning stiffness, or immobility.

Morning = Healthy + light meal

Afternoon = Healthy + Biggest meal of the day

Night = Healthy + Nil or minimum meal of the day

Morning- Breakfast (7-9 am)

The breakfast must be light and healthy. Some people often skip breakfast either due to their hectic schedules or to manage their weight. But that’s completely foul.

The body has already been exhausted due to the all-night functioning of your body to digest the last meal (dinner) you ate. Now, it wants some energy, which is possible only when you eat something.

But yes! Overeating is not recommended at all. Eating in excess can result in laziness throughout the whole day. Try to keep the breakfast simple and light. For this, you may have juices, coconut water, herbal tea, oats, sprouts, and soaked dry fruits.

Afternoon- Lunch (12-2 pm)

Now, it is the time to have the biggest meal of the day. You can have anything to eat whether heavy or light, but the only condition is, it has to be healthy. You can eat chapatis, chutneys, rice, soups, fruits, curd, and so on.

It is also desirable to have at least 1 plate of salad along with lunch. Eating the salad before the wholesome lunch will prevent the possible risk of overeating, whereas eating salad after lunch helps to boost digestion.

Eat as per your capacity, and hunger. Don’t overeat otherwise, you may experience issues such as stomach pain, bloating, gas, etc. Whereas eating less may slow down your metabolism, or result in nutritional deficiencies, weakness, and fatigue.

Night- Dinner (6-8 pm)

However, many physicians and even Ayurveda practitioners suggest eating nothing for dinner. However, the experts at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda have suggested that an RA patient can have dinner if he/she wants to.

But they should eat only light and warm dinner. Warm soups, boiled vegetables, and fruits (preferably papaya and avoid banana and watermelon).

Also, make sure you eat them between 6 pm to 8 pm, so that the body may have adequate time to digest the food so consumed. For example: If a person goes to bed by 9:30 pm, then he/she must have their dinner 2 hours prior, say around 7:30 pm.


Following a healthy dietary plan, and lifestyle will always be helpful. Not only for RA patients but even for normal individuals. However, below are some major benefits that one can expect after following this healthy RA diet chart plan as follows what to eat and what not eat if you are suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis:

The joint complications such as pain, swelling, redness, stiffness, and immobility will be eased.

The digestive fire (Jatharagni) will be strengthened, and overall digestion will be improved. The problems such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, etc will be minimal.

This healthy dietary regimen will also reduce the risk of obesity as excessive weight can also contribute to joint problems, especially knee pain.

The diet aforementioned is often considered Sattvik which is not only helpful for physical health but also the best match for your mental well-being.

From young individuals to old-age senior citizens, everyone can opt for this healthy RA diet chart plan without any risk of side effects.

The bottom line

The diet although, a crucial aspect of your joint health, alone can not cure Rheumatoid arthritis. Make sure to consult an Ayurveda practitioner who can provide you with Ayurvedic medicines, dietary suggestions, and precautions as per your medical history and body Prakriti.

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